Friday, November 14, 2008

location of your hotel.

No matter how beautiful your hotel is,how better your customer service is,but if your hotel is NOT at the right location,then your chances are less than optimistic to get sold out on most occassions.
The main purpose hotels came into existence is to provide"temporary overnight stay" to visitors,atleast most of the time.Hence make sure your hotel is located nearby visitor's "attraction" spot for example ..visitors and convention beauro,sports complex/field,theaters/perfor mance stages,planetorium,zoos,shopp ing destination,tourist destination,beach-fronts, residencial areas,hill -stations,mountains,state borders,highway junctions or just the best place that has good visibility and purpose of passer-bys.
Once you have the location,then you can utilize a lot of strategies to focus on sales and marketing efforts which we will discuss in more detail next time.

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