Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tips to avoid getting robbed:

Tips to avoid getting robbed:
1.Always be alert as you never know when its your turn
2.Keep an eye on everybody entering and acting suspicious in and around hotel
3.If possible,make every entrance door secure by putting locks that can only be opened with a key.
4.put security cameras in every possible corners and entrance/exit door so there is surveillance system in place .
5.put cameras in front desk,office areas,maintenance,pool,restau rent,laundry and even parking lots.
6.train your staff in case they are victims of burglary or organized crime in your property.
7.keep local police numbers handy and have an emergency push button that will automatically dial 911 (hide this button under table/front desk/behind drawers) and train all employees working there how to use it.
8.employ full time security personnel on site or hire outside company

You can also utilize the cameras for lawsuits against your property,theft investigation by law enforcement and monitor the 'entire' operation remotely via internet.
Even though options 4 & 8 are more expensive on your budget,they are worth spending and will keep your investment secure from not only burglars,hustlers but also prevent a lot of wrong things from happening in your property and improve employee work performance,material safety and savings and most important,your customers will FEEL secure and safe.
I alwasy got turned down whenever I suggested my owners to install such a system when I was a manager,make sure you don't do the mistake my owners did.Owners out there,you spent millions to make millions..Dont shy away from making that important investment to protect your own investment.

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