Monday, January 19, 2009

Hospitality and Technology

The slowing economy is affecting the hospitality industry in a number of negative ways but there are still exciting and profound new opportunities in an industry that is likely the second oldest industry on earth and the internet is a perfect medium for selling travel as it brings a vast network of suppliers and a widely dispersed customer pool into a centralized market place. To tell the truth, more travel is being sold over the internet than any other product and in the US its more than any other county. Basically, I can say, globally in the travel marketplace where millions of buyers looking for good travel services and beside the sellers like hotels, airlines, or other companies providing the buyers whatever they are looking for through the Internet technology. Intetrnet is a medium that is up to date, fast and easy to use. How this technology has been totally changing our culture in a way we do business and the behavior of the consumer and their shopping habits. imagine that! although internet technology has given hotel owners so many ways to sell their room, it has become nearly impossible for a smaller hotel.operator to understand, let alone intelligently manage the available channels for room sales. In fact I can say if you have a little but average hotel, many of these channels have an allotment of your rooms. At the same time, new computer-based yield management tools must be used to ensure the optimum balance between direct and discount reservations in order to derive maximum yield from your product.You got an advantage by integrating all these tools into a well-planned and executed program.

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